The Music Festivals Podcast host started by confiscating booze from Christians

A new Roots Music Rambler drops Friday. This week, we dig deep into talking music festivals with Nate Riggs (NeighborN8), host of The Music Festivals Podcast.

He got his start in music festivals collecting booze from Christians sneaking alcohol into a Christian one in Ohio. Hear that and his take on things like whether or not today’s festivals have jumped the shark by downloading the full episode. Get it at or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Rocker Shepherd is contemplating a disco album? What?

On the latest episode of Roots Music Rambler, Frank and Falls chat with midwestern rocker Shepherd. He’s got a new single out, more new music coming, and is picking from his broad background of genre influences these days.

Falls and he even talk about him doing disco? Yep. Disco.

Hear more and get this week’s pickin’ the grinnin’ picks from us at or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Shepherd says a lot of his recent creative vibe comes from his recording partner Saul Littlefield

The latest episode of Roots Music Rambler is live! This week, we talk to midwestern rocker Shepherd about his new single, more new music coming and much more.

We asked about his creative process and discovered one of his keys is his collaboration with Saul Littlefield. Hear more about his music, new role as a father and more at or wherever you get your podcasts.

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How would Shepherd describe his music to someone who hasn’t heard him?

A new episode of Roots Music Rambler is live. This week’s guest is blue-collar rocker Shepherd. We asked how he would describe his music, which is a blending of a lot of our favorite genres.

Hear more of his music including his new single, his journey to becoming a musician, new role as a father and more on the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Shepherd says he’d love to get into a big fancy studio, but needs to pick the right songs first

A new episode of Roots Music Rambler is live. This week’s guest is blue-collar rocker Shepherd. We asked him about getting into the studio to record from his overstock of new songs.

Hear about the dream versus the reality along with his journey to music, new role as a father and more on the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts.

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