Brandon Good’s newest single “Welcome” is due out soon … and is charged!

Singer-songwriter @bgoodsounds is this week’s guest on Roots Music Rambler. His soon-to-be released single is called Welcome and he sais it’s one worth taking note of.

Also on this week’s episode, Frank and Falls also give their Pickin’ the Grinnin’ picks of the week and talk about more live music they’ve seen recently. Download the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts!

#brandongood #singersongwriter #countrymusic #folkmusic #americanamusic #musicpodcast #musicinterview #emergingartist

Singer-Songwriter Brandon Good talks about path to becoming a professional musician

Singer-songwriter Brandon Good is the latest guest on Roots Music Rambler. The Chicago-based musician came on to share about his music, including a new LP coming later this year, the emotional background behind his first EP, and much more.

In this segment, Brandon talks about his foundations in music and journey to being a singer-songwriter. He evolved through a Mennonite church upbringing, church bands, punk bands and now country music.

Also on the episode, Frank and Falls discuss their recent live music experiences, share their Pickin’ the Grinnin’ choices for the week and more.

Download the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts.

#brandongood #americanamusic #countrymusic #folkmusic #musicpodcast #musicinterview #singersongwriter

Brandon Good shares the deeply personal experiences behind his first LP

Singer-songwriter Brandon Good this week’s guest on Roots Music Rambler. He talked to us about his journey, his background in punk and how the music from his original EP and upcoming LP came about.

In this clip, he shares the deeply personal struggles he went through that eventually became the songs from his first EP.

In addition, Frank and I also give our Pickin’ the Grinnin’ picks of the week and talk about more live music they’ve seen recently. Download the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts!

#brandongood #singersongwriter #countrymusic #folkmusic #americanamusic #musicpodcast #musicinterview #emergingartist

Singer-songwriter Brandon Good talks about his songwriting inspiration

On the new episode of Roots Music Rambler (drops tomorrow), singer-songwriter Brandon Good talks about his musical journey. In this clip, he talks about the songwriters that inspired his first EP and inform his upcoming new album due out by the end of the year.

Frank and Falls also give their Pickin’ the Grinnin’ picks of the week and talk about more live music they’ve seen recently. Download the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts!

#brandongood #singersongwriter #countrymusic #folkmusic #americanamusic #musicpodcast #musicinterview #emergingartist

Singer-Songwriter Brandon Good evolved to country music from time as a punk rocker

A new episode of Roots Music Rambler drops Friday. Singer-songwriter Brandon Good joins the show to talk about his upcoming album, background and more. While most of his music is country-based, he’s a former punk rocker. He talked about his music background with Frank and me.

We also add more experiences from recent concert attendance and a lot more. Download the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts!

#brandongood #singersongwriter #countrymusic #folkmusic #americanamusic #musicpodcast #musicinterview #emergingartist