Chicagoan Francesca Folinazzo (Frank) founded Roots Music Rambler as a music and travel blog in a pre-pandemic world. COVID killed events and travel plus her desire to play her banjo. Falls texted her in 2023 and said, 'Let's bring it back as a podcast!' He was raised on John Prine, babysat on Waylon Jennings and taught to drink and cuss the proper, mountain way. He hails from Pikeville, Ky., the birthplace of Dwight Yoakum, whose annual festival is Hillbilly Days.

Sati Arundhati Full Movie – Kanta Rao, Anjali Devi, Jamuna

Watch Sati Arundhati Full Movie – Kanta Rao, Anjali Devi, Jamuna, Rukmini, Roja Ramani, Gummadi, Geethanjali, Suchitra, Balakrishna

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Partner Rating : U
Release Date : 01-01- 1968
Running Time : 1:29:13
Language : Telugu

Actors : Anjali Devi, Kanta Rao, Jamuna, Rukmini, Roja Ramani, Gummadi, Geethanjali, Suchitra, Balakrishna, C .V. Nagaiah

Director : K.V. Nandana Rao
Producer : G Krishna Reddy
Writer : K.V. Nandana Rao
Category : Classics, Drama, Family

Why This MIT Dropout Started an Anti-College

To watch the next episode, Turning Junk into Treehouses, click here:

Disenchanted with the out-of-date curriculum of traditional college, Jeremy Rossmann dropped out of MIT. Within a few years, he and co-founder Ashu Desai, started The Make School, a college replacement program for founders and developers.

“Our core philosophy is if you teach the same thing two years in a row, it’s got to be wrong because computer science as a field and software engineering as a discipline is moving so fast,” said Rossmann.

Instead of tests, there’s project-based work. Instead of tuition upfront, there’s a debt-free model charged to students only once they find employment after graduation. The Make School also claims to bring its students better access to top tech company functions, networking, and guidance as they shape their career.

Classes focus on developing desirable qualities and capabilities as expressed by current hiring managers in Silicon Valley. Beyond programming classes, subjects also include nutrition, health, writing, and exercise – tools to succeed in a professional life.

“And then some more general life skills, communication, empathy, understanding the history of tech and then a big segment on ethics. So Uber, what do we think? Airbnb, where do we stand? Is it okay to start a company in that way? Is it beneficial for society? Are the laws out of date? How does this all work behind the scenes?” Rossmann continued.

In September 2015, The Make School began its first academic year with nearly 30 full-time students in the founding class. Some students are fresh out of high school, some have left their colleges to pursue education here instead. They all live together in dorm-like housing in San Francisco, and though they may also be carrying fake IDs, it’s not to sneak into bars for fun like their university-counterparts. It’s usually to be able to hear a tech company founder speak at a networking event, or meet other contacts in the industry for a job.

Not everyone is on board with the new program, including some parents, who prefer their children still attend traditional, name-recognized universities. To which Rossmann responds, “When LinkedIn and Lyft and these companies with tens of millions of dollars of funding are all committing contractually to coming and recruit here, and they don’t come to the school where your child is studying, that means something.”

To watch Turning Junk into Treehouses, click here:

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Executive Producer: Laura Ling
Producer: Paige Keipper (Hansen)
Cinematographer: Spencer Snider, Alex Gerhard
Editor: Lee Mould

24 hours with the ASUS ZenFone 2 | Pocketnow

Learn more about the ASUS ZenFone 2: Check out Pocketnow’s full review here! /2015/05/28/asus-zenfone-2-review

For all the excitement on the high-end, some of the most interesting developments in today’s smartphone world are found in the mid-range. We’ve just spent 24 hours with one of the most interesting of those developments, so join us for our first impressions of the cheap but feature-packed ASUS ZenFone 2!

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Pocketnow has been a key source of mobile technology news and reviews since its establishment in 2000. With offices on three continents, Pocketnow offers round-the-clock coverage of the mobile technology landscape, from smartphones to tablets to wearables. We aim to be your number-one source for mobile tech news, reviews, comparisons, and commentary. If you love mobile as much as we do, be sure to subscribe!

24 hours with the ASUS ZenFone 2 | Pocketnow


kannada movies full | Adrushta Rekhe – ಅದೃಷ್ಟ ರೇಖೆ (1989/೧೯೮೯) | Kashinath, Amrutha (HP

kannada movies full Adrushta Rekhe – ಅದೃಷ್ಟ ರೇಖೆ (1989/೧೯೮೯) *ing Kashinath, Amrutha (HP), Sudheer, Doddanna, Chi Ravishankar, Shivaprakash, Ramamurthy, Sihikahi Chandru, Aravind, Mysore Lokesh, Srishailan, Venkatesh
Director Renuka Sharma
Associate Director Madhukar Belakavadi
Music Shankar-Ganesh
Cinematography V Prabhakar
Editor K Balu
Stunts Ambur Babu
Choreography Saleem
Art B Nagaraja Rao
Costume Ramanath
Makeup Cheluvaraju
PRO D V Sudheendra, Ramamurthy
Stills Jayadev

Sunderaja a young educated but unemployed individual who is known as an unlucky charm in his surrounding. Shamala is a rich but unhappy girl in her beautiful palace because of her bad fate. They both decide to give up their lives and commit suicide. When the time draws near they both give up the idea of Suicide and give their life a second chance. The climax is how the two make their life worth living. #kannada

How to Cook Sweet Potatoes

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The humble sweet potato is packed with nutrition; is simple to bake in an oven, microwave, or cook on a grill; and can be seasoned with a variety of your favorite toppings as well as paired with other vegetables.

Step 1: Select potatoes
Select fresh, firm, smooth, and plump sweet potatoes and wash them as you would other vegetables.

Cook sweet potatoes whole to benefit from nutrients found next to the skin.

Step 2: Pierce
Pierce your dry sweet potatoes a few times with a fork before baking or microwaving.

Step 3: Place on pan and bake
Place the sweet potatoes on a rimmed pan and bake at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes or until they are tender.

Step 4: Quick-cook
Quick-cook sweet potatoes by placing two clean, pierced potatoes in a microwave oven for five to nine minutes, or four sweet potatoes for 10 to 13 minutes.

Sweet potatoes rank high among the healthiest of vegetables, providing vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber.

Step 5: Grill
Grill sweet potatoes by first boiling them, letting them cool, and then slicing them lengthwise into eighths, oiling the slices, and grilling all sides until they’re golden brown.

Step 6: Slit and top your sweet potatoes
Slit your sweet potatoes and top them with sour cream, butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, maple syrup, applesauce, pecans, or anything else that tickles your taste buds to make a delightful dining experience.

Did You Know?
Christopher Columbus found sweet potatoes growing on islands in the West Indies and brought the vegetable plant to Spain in the early 1500s, where it was cultivated.