Chicagoan Francesca Folinazzo (Frank) founded Roots Music Rambler as a music and travel blog in a pre-pandemic world. COVID killed events and travel plus her desire to play her banjo. Falls texted her in 2023 and said, 'Let's bring it back as a podcast!' He was raised on John Prine, babysat on Waylon Jennings and taught to drink and cuss the proper, mountain way. He hails from Pikeville, Ky., the birthplace of Dwight Yoakum, whose annual festival is Hillbilly Days.

Why People Should Stand on Escalators Side by Side

Every morning thousands of people feel as if they’re trying to accomplish a particularly tricky quest. Wrestle out of the packed subway car – done. Avoid getting lost and carried away by the crowd – done. Reach the escalator and join the gridlock at the entrance – done. At least all the commuters are following the common escalator rule: stand on the right side, walk on the left. After all, it’s the most effective way to use an escalator, right? Actually, it’s wrong!

Wait, what? But this practice makes perfect sense: you can always choose whether you want to relax and let the machinery do all the work or save time and walk up! Yep, it turns out that we’ve been using escalators inefficiently all this time.

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To walk, or not to walk? That is the question. 0:50
Is the time difference really that great? 3:36
Why people should stand on escalators side by side 4:43
Please, stay out of my personal space! 5:15
What the supporters of the “everybody-walks” idea say 6:21

#brightside #etiquette #subway

– A 2011 study from the University of Greenwich figured out that while 75% of people choose to stand on escalators, only 25% walk up.
– In 2015, the London Underground started a three-week trial of a revolutionary approach to using escalators.
– Employees of Transport for London asked commuters not to walk on the escalators.
– During the morning rush hour between 08:30 to 09:30, the average escalator used to transport about 12,750 people. But during the trial period of standing rules, the same escalator moved 16,220 people!
– People kept pushing each other, shouting, and arguing. It seems that the problem lies in human nature: we want the result right away and are unwilling to postpone it in the interest of the greater good.
– Interestingly, people didn’t feel all that indignant about the new rule on longer escalators. On such escalators, commuters already preferred to stand on the walking side rather than move.
– It took a commuter 26 seconds to walk to the top of the moving escalator and 40 seconds to get there while standing still.
– When most commuters stand on the right (or on the left, depending on the country), the weight on the stairs gets distributed unevenly. As a result, one side of the escalator experiences a much greater strain than the other.
– The average American likes to have at least 1 and 1/2 ft (0.45 m) of personal space separating them from other people. Naturally, when you stand on an escalator, this distance is much smaller. It makes people feel uncomfortable.
– But there are also a lot of experts who are sure that walking on escalators is still a much safer and better way to get to your goal.
– The supporters of the “everybody-walks” idea also say that if nobody was standing on the stairs and everybody was moving, there would be no gridlocks at all. Well, although reasonable, this advice doesn’t sound like fun when you’re returning from the airport with a heavy suitcase.

Music by Epidemic Sound

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5 Simple Tricks to Overcome Laziness

Today, we learn how to overcome laziness and stop procrastinating. If you want to know how to stop being lazy and unmotivated all the time, and need some motivation to keep great habits, this video is for you!


Music: “Ukulele” from

Thanks to Tristan Reed (writing) and Troy W. Hudson (narration) for helping to create this video!

The Body Part You Wash First Reveals Your Personality

Early morning routines often begin with bathing for most people. However, the way we bathe is never the same. We might not have noticed, but there is a tendency in all of us to start the bathing with a certain body part. Subconsciously, the decision is made by our body and it tells a lot about our personality. For example, if your head or hair is the part of your body you wash first in the shower, you are a person who likes discipline and order.

At Bright Side, we put together observations on the body parts we wash first while bathing and related them to the function of our minds.

If you wash your face first 0:42
If you wash your arms or legs first 1:16
If you wash your privates first 1:56
If you wash your chest first 2:25
If you wash your hair first 2:51
If you wash your shoulders and neck first 3:22
If you wash your back first 3:47

#personalitytest #bathing #takingshower

Music by Epidemic Sound

– If you wash your face first, you are basically tending to all the 5 senses — smell, sight, taste, touch, and hearing. It means you are very concerned about how you are perceived.
– If you are among those who pay attention to their feet first, you can call yourself a humble and down to earth person. However, you have no fear of expressing your choices.
– If you wash your private parts first, you are probably a very shy person. You can call yourself an introvert, or the one with low self-esteem. You are not given much attention in social groups, however, those who know you closely will say you’re the most genuine person on earth.
– If you have noticed yourself scrubbing your chest first while bathing, you are in all probabilities confident and comfortable in your own skin. You are practical and very straightforward.
– If your head or hair is the part of your body you wash first in the shower, you are a person who likes discipline and order.
– The most hardworking people often wash their neck and shoulder area first. Shoulders denote burden and you always want to get rid of the burden of achieving everything with perfection.
– Your back reflects your consciousness. The back involves your spine and your nervous system that plays a big role in the functioning of your brain. Washing your back first says a lot about your reserved nature.

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THE VICTIM – Film COMPLET en français

En jouant les rôles de victimes sur les reconstitutions de scènes de crime, une jeune actrice commence à se faire connaître et participe à toutes les enquêtes policières. L’une de ses reconstitutions ne se passe pas tout à fait comme prévu et la jeune femme commence à entendre des voix et distinguer des personnes… Petit à petit, elle perd le contrôle, mettant sa vie en danger.

De Monthon Arayangkoon
Avec Pitchanart Sakakorn, Apasiri Nitibhon, Penpak Sirikul

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How to Survive Being Lost at Sea

How to Survive Natural Disasters. No one in the world is 100% safe from natural disasters, and you should know exactly how to save your own life and help others in case you find yourself in a critical situation. Pay attention to the right course of action that will help you to survive and assist those around you. Here are some recommendations about what to do and what not to do in critical situations.

How to survive an earthquake 2:11
If an earthquake finds you inside, fall to the floor and use anything nearby that is sturdy and strong: a desk, a bed, or a table as a cover. If there’s nothing nearby, crouch in an inside corner of the building. Protect your head with your arms. DO NOT go outside. You’re safer inside the building. DO NOT hide under doorways. It’s not safe. Stay inside until you feel the shaking stop. If you are outdoors, stay clear of buildings, utility wires, streetlights, and other objects that may fall. If you’re driving, stop the car immediately, but don’t leave it. If you are trapped under debris, don’t panic, and don’t try to get out on your own. Wait for help.

How to survive a tornado 5:28
If you’re inside when tornado hits, immediately stop whatever you are doing. Find a shelter. If you can’t reach an underground shelter, go down to the basement. If you can’t get underground, find a room without windows. It should be the closest to the center of the house and on the lowest floor available. Wherever you are, lie down or crouch on the ground with your face turned down. Cover your head with your arms.

How to survive a tsunami 7:34
The first thing you need to do in case of tsunami is move as far away from the shore as possible. Find higher ground. It’s best if you can get as high up as 100 ft above sea level. If you live in an area that can be affected by a tsunami, plan an evacuation route. This will help you in a critical situation.

How to survive a hurricane 8:20
When you hear an announcement about an approaching hurricane, follow the instructions from the authorities. When the hurricane approaches, stay clear of glass doors and windows. Whatever the reason, DO NOT go outside. Even if you think that the hurricane has passed, stay inside until the authorities confirm that it’s safe to leave buildings. After the hurricane is over, DO NOT drink tap water. It may be contaminated with bacteria.

Rip current 0:52
Earthquake 2:11
Tornado 5:28
Tsunami 7:34
Hurricane 8:20

-Your primary goal is to get back to calm waters. You should NOT try to swim against a rip current. Try to stay calm and persuade yourself that you have the situation under control.
-If you’re inside, fall to the floor and find cover. Stay away from windows, glass objects, outside walls and doors. If an earthquake gets you outside, stay clear of buildings, utility wires, streetlights, and other objects that may fall.
-When a tornado hits, find a shelter immediately. If you can’t get underground, find a room without windows. If you’re driving when you hear a tornado warning, try to get to the nearest building as quickly as you can.
-In case of tsunami, move as far away from the shore as possible. Find higher ground. Don’t use tall buildings and high trees to seek shelter from a tsunami.
-As soon as you hear a hurricane warning, fill all containers in your home (including bathtubs) with water. When the hurricane approaches, stay clear of glass doors and windows.

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